Staff Appreciation Fund

This summer our tzevet (staff) at Ramah Darom has been working hard to create a fun, meaningful, and unforgettable kayitz (summer) for our chanichim (campers). They truly have taken on the responsibility of “taking care of other people’s children” to create an unforgettable Camp experience. Let’s show this year’s incredible team our love and appreciation by helping take care of them this summer!

Donate Today!

Whether you were once a tzevet member yourself or are grateful to a current tzevet member for an impact they have made or an experience they will provide this summer, show your appreciation to a 2022 tzevet member by making your gift today.

We are committed to uplifting and supporting our tzevet, without whom Camp would not be possible!

Since staff are not allowed to accept gratuities, donating to the Staff Appreciation Fund is a great way to directly show you care.